Optimism is not my forte

Psalm 34:1

I will bless the Lord at all times,

his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

I am not an optimistic person by nature. I am more of a ‘the glass is half empty and is most likely going to stay that way’ type of person. This is probably part of the reason this verse has resonated so much with me. I want to be the type of person who is constantly blessing God and thanking Him for all the blessings in my life. And there are so many blessings. But they are so hard for me to see at times, and I become overwhelmed with LIFE and when I open my mouth, it isn’t praises that come out. It’s complaints, it’s whining, it’s why oh why aren’t things easier?? And let’s just be honest, it isn’t a good model for the children, my husband, or even myself. After all, if we let ourselves dwell on the negative, what are we going to think about? If we take our focus off of God and all that He has blessed us with, we don’t see those blessings. We just see the negative in life. And my friends, there is a whole heap of negative. We see it everywhere. In the news, online, in magazines, EVERYWHERE there is Satan trying to bring us down. Trying to distance us from all the good in life. All the good that God has placed there. The laughter of a child, the sun shining through the trees, the colors of autumn, the smell of freshly cut grass. All of it, goes away as soon as you take your eyes off of it.

Copyright 2018 RosesatDawn
Copyright 2018 RosesatDawn

My husband is a wonderful reminder to me of all the good God has given us. Anytime I start to feel this way, he will so often, even without me sometimes saying anything, mention something good that God has blessed us with. And with that reminder, I am prompted to bring my focus back to God. It isn’t always a smooth process, honestly, it’s usually with me kicking and screaming. But I’m trying. I’m trying to let go and let God. I have heard this phrase so many times in my life. And I’m going to be honest, I never truly understood it. If you think about it, what does it actually mean? It means total and complete surrender. And as a child, when I first accepted Jesus as my Savior, I didn’t understand surrender. I still don’t completely get it, but I feel like as a thirty-something year old, I am beginning to understand. Even just a teeny tiny bit. Because after all, it’s never too late. It’s never too late to accept God’s gift to us. It’s never too late to change your life path. Even though it won’t be easy, it’s never too late to change your focus and behavior. You won’t get it right the first or second, or even the thirtieth time! But, we need to pick ourselves back up, recommit to following our God, and step out in faith. I am not an optimistic person, but taking this step of faith, is for me, a step towards optimism itself. If I can believe that God sent His only Son to die on the cross to forgive my stupid, repetitive sins, then I guess I can count myself as an optimistic pessimist who is learning to bless our God at all times, and to continually, no matter how difficult life may be, praise Him with my words and actions.

Are you an optimist, pessimist, or a realist?

9 thoughts on “Optimism is not my forte

  1. Usually I ask the Lord to change my heart and give me a song in my heart. He always does. I like things to always work according to MY plans and as you so rightfully pointed out, the Lord desires our surrender, which isn’t always easy.

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  2. I love how you describe yourself as an optimistic pessimist. That is my goal also. lol I also love how you connect your daily activities to God and His word. For these reasons, I’ve nominated you for the Three Day Quote Challenge. You don’t have to accept, but if you want to, here’s my blog where I nominated you. https://wordpress.com/post/amazinggodstories.blog/854 Keep on blogging – the world needs your gift of seeing God in the everyday!

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    1. Oh wow, thank you so much! Honestly, I feel like I struggle sometimes to see God in my everyday and so try to focus on it. It’s nice to hear that it’s working!! I will be doing the challenge, it just might take me a bit to get to it! 🙂 God Bless and have a wonderful day.

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  3. Just like you, I’ve been there before. I have to remind myself that God is above all and if he did something for me before, he can do it again. I try to look at the glass half full but sometimes it doesn’t go that way. When I fall off, I seek the Lord for guidance and he gets me back on track!

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    1. God is faithful 🙂 (Thank goodness!) I am hopeful that eventually I will be able to look at life from a more positive angle, but it’s a good thing that God is there to set me straight however many times it takes 😉 God Bless!

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